Servier is an international pharmaceutical company governed by a non-profit foundation with its headquarters in Suresnes (France).

About Servier
With a strong international presence in 150 countries and a turnover of 4.9 billion euros in 2021, Servier employs 21,400 people worldwide.
Corporate growth is driven by Servier’s constant search for innovation in three areas of excellence: oncology, neurology and immuno-inflammation, cardiometabolism (life-cycle management), as well as by its activities in high-quality generic drugs.
Being completely independent, the Group reinvests an average of 20% of turnover (excluding generics) in research and development and uses all its profits for growth.
Servier was created in 1954, and in 1964 Servier UK was the first subsidiary to open, with just two employees
Our R&D is specialised in 4 major axes

For our portfolio of medicinal products
available in the UK, click on the following link.