United Kingdom Disclosure of Transfers of Values
Servier is an independent research foundation with no shareholders and as such revenue from the sale of our medicines is directly invested back into the research and development of our future treatments.
Servier is proud to work with UK Healthcare Professionals (Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists) to help patients get the life enhancing medicines they need and fully support a transparent culture. Such collaborations are recognition of the world class medical expertise we have available in this country and facilitate the sharing of best practice across the UK and around the world. As a global company, we see this as part of our ethical responsibility.
The advice we receive from clinical experts ensures that our medicines of today and tomorrow truly meet the needs of patients. The disclosure of transfers of values to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) , Other Relevant Decision Makers (ORDMs) and Healthcare Organisations ( HCOs) is part of the transparency initiative developed by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI). Servier adheres and fully supports the objectives promoted through this self-regulatory initiative and believes the outcome of this publication will contribute to a better insight into our interactions.
All of Servier’s Transfers of Values to HCPs , ORDMs and HCOs (along with our methological note) can be found on the ABPI’s publicly searchable database Disclosure UK accessible on their website.
The ABPI also has a ‘resources’ page containing information for use by HCPs and HCOs to help them understand how Disclosure UK works.
If you are a healthcare professional , other relevant decision maker or person representing a healthcare organisation with an enquiry regarding a payment you have received from Servier, or your details in the database, please email
Patient Organisations
Patient organisations are non-profit making groups or charities, which offer information and valuable support on a wide range of medical conditions to people suffering from illness.
Servier UK works with a number of patient organisations to raise disease awareness and help give patients access to up-to-date information on their condition. Servier UK also provides sponsorship and support to Patient Organisation meetings and other events , as well as funding support or charitable donations on request.
All financial and indirect/non-financial support and in-kind donations by Servier Laboratories Limited to patient organisations is declared on all of the materials produced in connection with the item or event as required by the ABPI Code of Practice.
Detail of Patient Organisations we supported in 2023
Patient Organisation Disclosure Methodological Notes Year 2023
Detail of Patient Organisations we supported in 2022
Patient Organisation Disclosure Methodological Notes Year 2022
Detail of Patient Organisations we supported in 2021
Patient Organisation Disclosure Methodological Notes Year 2021
Detail of Patient Organisation we supported in 2020
Patient Organisation Disclosure Methodological Notes Year 2020